An Award?!!!
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The other day I’m checking my email and see that someone has left me a comment about a post. I get WAY excited when anyone leaves me a comment! And, to make it even better I find out that they have passed on the Versatile Blogger Award to me!!! Talk about making this girl’s day 😀
I would like to thank Rosanna from Bargain Corner Designs for passing the award on to me! Make sure to check out her blog!
1. Thank the person who awarded you and link back to them in your post
2. Tell 7 random facts about yourself
3. Pass the award on to 15 new found bloggers
4. Contact each blogger you want to pass the award on to and let them know you’ve done so, and let the giver of your award know you accept it.
1. I FREAK out if my hands or feet are wet and a loose hair sticks to me. YUCK!!!
2. I like flyfishing with my husband, even though I’m not that great at it
3. I have a bifid uvula (the hangy down thing in the back of your throat) and think it’s weird to see someone that just has one instead of two
4. I vacuum my house everyday, but my car never gets vacuumed unless my husband drives it, gets grossed out, and pulls into the car wash to clean it out
5. I went to college as a fine arts major (flute performance) and ended up majoring in finance
6. Unlike most Kansans, I’m terrified of tornadoes and have reoccurring nightmares about them
7. I met my husband in the dressing room of The Gap. We were both shopping and he asked my opinion on a pair of jeans. So cheesy, but it worked 🙂
15 NEW BLOGS (some are just new to me)
10. Orange it Lovely
11. Paiges of Style
15. Young House Love
Thanks to everyone out there in Blog Land for all of the awesome inspiration!

NewestThanks for the award! You made my day.
Aww thank you the Award! You are so sweet!
I'm so glad I found your blog.
Saweeeet! Thanks so much for the mention. And the story about you and your hubby meeting at The Gap is amazing. Love it!
s (& j)
I'm glad I found your blog! I've been looking for other bloggers who are versatile (good job, btw!!) and have similar interests. I look forward to following your posts with interest! :o)
Hey Shelley,
Forgive me for taking so long to thank you for passing on such a lovely award to me. I really appreciate it! Can't wait to check out your blog!