birthday planning
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Post is short today. Izzy is sick. AGAIN. They were both sick two weeks ago! Sam finally stopped coughing and wheezing three days ago, and yesterday I caught him drinking out of her juice box. It was a slow motion “NOOOOOO!!!!!” as I saw him put the straw up to his lips. I couldn’t get there fast enough. Now just a matter of time before he’s back down with her. Awesome.
Anywho, I’ve been pulling together some of the stuff for Sam’s first birthday. I’m thinking it’s gonna turn out pretty darn cute!
I already showed you guys the invite…
And here’s some of the stuff I’ve grabbed this week.
Everything has to be pretty simple and easy since we’re going to have to pack it up in the car for the 11 hour trip (more like 30 hours since we’re traveling with two littles, one of which demands to make more pee stops than a pregnant woman) up to Wichita.
I also picked up some felt to make some (fingers crossed) adorable party wear for the young guests. Once I get those put together I’ll show you. I think you’ll like!
Ok, I’m off to nurse the sick.
Newestlove the party makings! i want to come!
Poor thing. Hope everyone feels better soon!
love the invite – can't wait to see more!
I cannot wait to see you guys. Seriously. Like counting down the days. Its been too long!