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Baby goes to the zoo!
Izzy just had her first trip to the zoo this last Friday! Grandma and Mommy had been talking about taking her for a long time and finally decided on a day. Unfortunately, rain decided to come down on the same day đ But dang it, I wasn’t going to let it ruin the plans we…

dog silhouette art – tutorial
You guys have been asking for a tutorial on the dog art I made for Izzy’s room. Well, I FINALLY got my rear in gear and got it put together for you! What you’ll need: wood panel (I used a precut 16×36 piece found at my local home improvement store) primer (not a must) paint for background paint for…

To My Sweet Isabelle,
I can’t believe it, we’ve just celebrated your second birthday! The moment you were born you completely captured my heart. You are more amazing than I could have ever imagined, and have filled me with more joy than I could ever explain. I am so in love with you sweet baby. In this last year I…

a little announcement
Izzy has a little something she’s been wanting to share with everyone… ï»ż That’s right we’re expecting No. 2!!! Nice to finally have the cat outta the bag ;)ï»ż

hunting down the perfect gray
I’ve been wanting to repaint our main floor and the stairway for a while now. I’ve been putting it off because as much as I like painting, I just don’t wanna!!! But, the time has come to **** or get off the pot. Now I just need narrow it down to a few so I…
Newestwait till she starts turning that faucet on. Not so much fun. Ugggggh. She is stinking adorable.