Christmas Time!!!

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I’ve had most of the house decorated since the day after Thanksgiving.  I’m practically itching to get my tree up as soon as dinner is over with.  I like getting to rediscover the decorations I got on sale after Christmas the year before.  Sort of like a pre-Christmas present 🙂

(BTW, if you look in the reflection of the fireplace you can totally see all of Izzy’s toys laying out.  Ha!)


But, today was the day I finally decided to get my rear in gear and decorate our dining room. 

(Ruffino patiently waiting on Dad to come home)

I’m pretty much in love with the wreaths on the back of the head chairs. 

I froze my rear off cutting down branches from my backyard evergreens to make them, but I think it was worth it since it was free!  Free, free, oh I do love free!!!  I tied some bunches together with floral wire, stuck some little silver do-dads in (I’m sure there’s a better name for them), and wrapped them around the chair backs with the upholstery seat webbing stuff (again, I have no idea what these things are really called).  Silver do-dads were $1 on sale at Michaels and the webbing was $.99/yd at Hobby Lobby.  Holla! 
I used more of the evergreen clippings on top of the china cabinet and mixed in some plastic ornaments I got from Lowes (forever ago) that I’ve never used.  The letters for the NOEL were either $1 or $2 a piece from Hobby Lobby and got a coat of glue and glitter.  Ubber cheap!
Anywho, there it is.  Christmas decor on the cheap!
Well lovely.  I totally forgot to take pictures of the stairway.  Oh well, I’m pooped.
Now that I’m pooped I think I’ll head out to the garage to finish Izzy’s play kitchen.  Great idea huh?  Which has turned out to be a MUCH bigger project than I thought I was going to be.  But then again, isn’t everything?!  Hopefully all goes well and it will be done tonight.  Fingers crossed!
Merry Christmas!

The DIY Show Off

The Girl Creative


  1. Lisa Avatar

    The wreath on the back of the chair is gorgeous! Great idea and it looks fabulous!

Meet Shelley

Hi, I’m Shelley! My belief is that with a little creativity and elbow grease, you can make your home look like a million bucks without spending it.

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