Dining Room Progress

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Early this Summer I announced my plan for a dining room refresh. I now have a couple of new pieces in place and can share with you the dining room progress that has been made so far. There is a hiccup though. I’ll share that towards the end.

Before and Progress

Head Chairs

The tall wingback chairs have been replaced with these sleek barrel back chairs. This change alone opens up the space a lot!

pottery barn baldwin barrel back dining chair

I ordered them in the Boucle Performance Fabric in Oatmeal. I will say that the fabric is not what I think of when I picture boucle, so grab a sample first if that’s something you’re considering. It’s more of a heavy textured basketweave than a true boucle. I love them none the less. They have rollers making them easy to move around. If my dining space was a little larger I would be tempted into replacing all of the chairs with them.

Olive Jar & Mirror

On my wishlist for several years was a large antique olive jar. I picked one up at the Round Top antique show and it’s everything I hoped it would be! It fills in the awkward space beside the piano and just looks cool and interesting. I’ll have it forever.

large vintage olive jar

The previous round mirror was replaced with this antiqued rectangular mirror. The metal trim is clean and simple, and I am especially fond of the antiquing.

CB2 clooney antiqued mirror

Left to Do

The remaining changes are drapes and chandelier. Drapes have been ordered. The chandelier is the hiccup I mentioned at the top of the post. The chandelier I wanted is no longer available. The seller on Etsy is straight up gone. I’m super bummed, but am looking around to see if I can find something similar.

barrel back dining chairs

So there you have the dining room progress! I hope to have the drapes in soon and have a new chandelier picked out. What do you think about the changes so far?

dining room refresh


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  1. dorelle Avatar

    Looks great …quick question I like that big round black vase on your dining table. Where is it from? Thanks

    1. Shelley Avatar

      Thanks so much, Dorelle! I just love that vase so much. That was found at the Round Top Antique Show. You can find large vintage black pots like this on Etsy.

Meet Shelley

Hi, I’m Shelley! My belief is that with a little creativity and elbow grease, you can make your home look like a million bucks without spending it.

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