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I wanted to share with you a few more details on a couple of the DIY’s I put together for Izzy’s Frozen birthday party.
I was loving all of the fringe garlands I had been seeing, but in true Shelley form, I had procrastinated and it was now too late to order anything. While it may look like it took at TON of time to pull off, it was really not bad at all. That is, if you have the secret weapon scissors 😉
1. Roll out a double layer of the paper streamer in what ever length you want your garland to be.
2. Stitch the two layers together with your sewing machine.
3. Fold the streamer in halves twice or more (this is to make the cutting go quicker) and snip in towards your stitch line on both sides with your fringe scissors.
4. Unfold your streamer and fluff the edges with your fingers.
Did you ever makes these as a child? I loved these things. It’s pretty straight forward, you just wind some pipe cleaners together and make whatever shape suits you!
TOP ROW: I used 4 silver pipe cleaners for the full tiara. Begin with 2 and wind the ends together so that you have one long pipe cleaner. Form a circle about 5″ in diameter and wind together leaving the remaining length out. Bend the remaining length up and over to form the center peak of the tiara and secure the end to the base of the tiara by wrapping them in place.
MIDDLE ROW: Using your third pipe cleaner, bend it in half and place it in the center of the peak so that one long end is at the front of the peak and the other is at the back. Bend each side down to form two shorter peaks and secure ends to the base.
BOTTOM ROW: Using your fourth pipe cleaner, bend it in half and twist a small circle at the top. Place it over the front of the tiara and bend the extra length under the base and up to the back. It will make a W shape. Bend the outer parts of the W down to the base of the tiara and secure ends.
// PINATA //
For the large number piñata I looked to this tutorial I found from Oh Happy Day. No need for me to recreate the wheel here, she has all the info you’ll need.
Here’s how mine looked as it was coming together.
The piñata actually cost me NOTHING to make. I used the crepe paper streamers I purchased to make the fringe garland and the fringe scissors to cut the streamers in no time. The cardboard was cut from a package we had just received. My only cost was the filler for the kids.
The best part of all of these DIY’s was how cheap they were to toss together! I used 3 rolls of crepe paper streamers at $0.89 a piece which gave me enough for 6 long lengths of the fringe garland and enough left over to make the piñata. And I had way more than enough silver pipe cleaners to make 12 tiaras for $5.00.
So… fancy schmancy garland, cute tiaras, and a big ol’ custom piñata for less than $10. I think I shall go out and buy myself a new pair of shoes now 😉
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