getting back to it slowly
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I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and New Years!
It has been so hard to get back into a rhythm again! I pulled a great one on Monday. Got Izzy ready for school and then went to pick up her buddy for carpool. No buddy. Turns out no school. Felt like an idiot. Threw me off all day long. Now that she’s back in school (for real this time) I can sit down and catch up with you guys 🙂
It was SUCH a great break! We had my parents down visiting, but other than that we didn’t do too much of anything which was amazing and much needed. Izzy and Sam actually got along really well during the break and I even was able to capture a moment of unforced love. I had to do it on the sly as not to be seen. It’s a Christmas Miracle!
Christmas Eve I tried grabbing a photo of the kids in their Christmas jammies. Tried is the word here.
Sam won’t sit still for anything. You bring the camera out and he gets a case of the sillies.
Christmas morning was nice and relaxing. Lots of coffee and Paula Deen’s Nutty Orange Coffee Cake. Oh my word. I want more right this minute.
Izzy and I snuck in a mommy daughter date to go see the Nutcracker.
It was such a beautiful performance!!! I kick myself daily for not sticking with it as a little girl. Those dancers blow my mind. And their figures?? Wishing I wouldn’t have eaten my weight in sweets this year.
Oh, so I finally got in my chairs for the living room a couple of days ago! Wahoo!!! I asked you guys for your opinions on what chairs to go with WAY back in May. You can see the ones I was choosing between here. I stopped dragging my feet on a decision in November and pulled the trigger on the Carlisle chairs. Comfort won out.
I’ll play around with some pillows, but for now it’s just nice being able to sit in comfort without our bums hitting the seat frame in the old wingback 😉
I will tell you though, once they arrived a domino effect started. They made us realize how beat up our coffee table was. I’ve had to glue a couple of legs back together, touch it up with a black sharpie every few months, and just try to ignore how bad the top looks. It has “made it” though 5 moves so that’s a pretty good run. When Mike said he wanted a new coffee table, I jumped on it. I’ll keep you guys posted on it once it arrives!
NewestGreat pics. I was never able to get good ones of all the kids in front of the tree either. Someone is always screwin around.
I'm still in holiday mode with my schedule, but I'm cleaning and purging like crazy, which feels fantastic.
oh i love the chairs! and love the pic of you and izzy- what a sweet date.
oh my gosh, I LOVE them. Like LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I just went back and re-read your original post and you are crazy for thinking these are boring. They're stylish and perfect.