Not many (as in zip, zero, zilch) projects have been going down this past month.  I’ve just been getting to know my new little man and enjoying the holidays with family.
Here are a few little random snippets of life lately.
Christmas was very low key this year, awesome, and just what we needed.
What I needed more than a relaxing Christmas was self restraint from eating my weight in these Maple Nut Chocolate Candies.  Dear God.  So much for loosing the baby weight :/  If you ever make them, do your rear end and thighs a favor and make sure you give them ALL away.  Seriously. 
My backside isn’t the only thing growing around here.  Sam is growing like a weed and sleeping better every day.  This is awesome not only because it’s sleep… sweet, sweet, sleep, but because I’m getting REALLY antsy wanting to start some projects.  The start of a new year makes it even worse.  I’m already making a list in my head of house resolutions.  It’s always much easier to stick to those than the personal ones 😉
I’ll sign off here with a funny pic.  I was trying to catch Sam smiling so I could include a cute pic of him in this post.  Needless to say, I didn’t get it 😀
 Hope you all have a Happy New Years!  Stay safe!

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  1. Awww too cute!! I'd say that little man is the best project you worked on all year!!! They are both adorable…..enjoy this sweet time! Happy new year to you and yours!

  2. So sweet! Glad you guys had a great Christmas and that your little guy is sleeping well. Happy New Year!

  3. Don't you love seeing big sibling clothes on baby?! Little Laney has been wearing her brother's jammies the last couple weeks and it's SO SWEET (albeit a little sad) to remember him when he was that little.
    Glad you've been getting some family time in. I hear ya on the house project front though. My head is SCREAMING at me to get busy. Now I just need to remember where I planted that dang money tree.

  4. I can't believe how big he is already! So sweet. The last picture looks just like Mike! Love it.

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