i’m it
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Eleven is the magic number here. Answer eleven questions, tag eleven other bloggers, and come up with eleven different questions to ask them.
And Away We Go:
2) What is your dream job? Right now I couldn’t imagine not being at home with Izzy – it’s my “dream job”. Now, when we finish having children (only see one more in our future) I would love to have my own business with a nice little store front. Of course since it’s a dream job, it would run smoothly with minimal effort and make sick money 😉
3) What is your favorite book? Kathryn, cover your eyes (no, that’s not a book title). It’s not that I don’t enjoy reading, I just haven’t made time for reading in such a long time. I can’t even come up with a favorite 🙁
6) If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Hmmm… I actually loved the mountains of North Carolina. I could envision a big mountain home like this
7) If you could change anything about your current home, what would it be? The shower in our master bath. It’s the armpit of our house. I hate it so much I even neglect cleaning it. Yeah… that makes a lot of sense doesn’t it.
11 Bloggers I’m Tagging:
No pressure guys, play along if you’d like 🙂
Julia at Pawley’s Island Posh
Maggie at Midwestern Sewing Girl
Amy at Green Eggs and Hamm
Cassie at Hi Sugarplum!
Aubrey at All Things Bright and Beautiful
Andrea at Oak Ridge Revival
Kristy at Hyphen Interiors
Lindsay at Lee La La
Lisa at A Vintage Vine
Jacqueline at Simple Home Life
Aimee at It’s Overflowing
My 11 Questions:
1) If you could go back in time and change one thing what would it be?
2) What is your favorite trend in decorating?
3) What is your reoccurring dream?
4) If you could take any type of class what would it be?
5) Do you have a secret talent?
6) What celebrity do you think you’d hit it off with?
7) Calories don’t count, what are you going to devour?
8) If you could do one thing without any repercussions, what would it be?
9) What’s a TV show you’re embarrassed to admit you watch?
10) What song could you listen to over and over?
11) What have you said to get out of a speeding ticket?
Be sure to check out these lovely gals I’ve tagged, you’ll be glad you did 😉
And, don’t forget to enter yourself into the RAMSIGN giveaway!
NewestI should just copy paste yours to mine LOL…I can totally relate to so much! With the inlaws here and our annual tea party coming up…mine may not come together…but I totally enjoyed yours!!!
XO, Aimee
This made me cry. I miss her too. Think about her all the time. I have her picture in my planner. Jeremy always talks about her when we talk about heaven. Or, out of the blue he says something about "great Grandma Jones". He is so young it's weird that he remembers her so well.
I too want to take graphic art classes. Let's do it. How? Not sure either. But it definitely sounds fun. Love you most!
My dream job is to have a cute storefront too, not sure what I'll sell but I expect it be easy and successful too- ha! I just got a Kindle and it makes reading so much easier- I swear I read faster now than I ever have before. I totally understand you on the grandmother one, I miss mine every single day and just long for one more day or conversation.
Thanks for playing Shelley! It's so fun to get to know more about my favorite bloggers. I've been to Scotland and it's breathtaking…just like your picture!
So fun to learn a little bit more about you! I too miss my grandmother every day. Wouldn't it be awesome if that song, "If Heaven Wasn't so Far Away" were true!
Great answers…so fun to know more about you! Thanks for the tag, too…hopefully I won't be a stick in the mud! 😉