My first born just turned 7 this weekend.  This girl blows my mind.  She’s a wild spirit, keeps me on my toes, makes me laugh, and loves so hard.  For those of you who might be new around here, every year I do a birthday interview where I ask her the same series of questions year after year.  It’s always fun for me to see what changes and also what stays the same.

1.  Favorite color?  Pink

2.  Favorite toy?  Giraffe

3.  Favorite fruit?  Watermelon (this is news to me)

4.  Favorite TV show?  Teen Titans Go and PJ Masks

5.  Favorite breakfast?  Waffles and “mom cereal” (Special K fruit & yogurt – We call it “mom cereal” since I like it, although can never get to it before the kids clean it out)

6.  Favorite lunch?  Lunchables

7.  Favorite outfit?  Dresses

8.  Favorite game?  Jumpin Jack

9.  Favorite snack?  Goldfish crackers and Cheez-Its

10.  Favorite animal?  Bunnies and giraffes

11.  Favorite song?  Taylor Swift’s Bad Blood

12.  Favorite book?  Alice in Wonderland

13.  Favorite cereal?  Cinnamon Toast Crunch (Then why is she eating all of my “mom cereal”??)

14.  Favorite thing to do outside?  Swing

15.  Favorite drink?  Dr. Pepper (I feel the need to let you know she doesn’t drink this but on rare occasions)

16.  Favorite holiday?  Easter (she’s obsessed with all things bunny related)

17.  Favorite thing to take to bed?  Giraffe

18.  Who is your best friend?  Emery, Reagan and Emma

19.  What do you want to eat for your birthday dinner?  Dumplings from her favorite Vietnamese restaurant (She likes to call them dump-dumps, and ravages through them like a lion on a gazelle)

20.  What do you want to be when you grow up?  Veterinarian

Check out her previous interviews:
6th birthday

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    1. I don't even know why we still call it that. I haven't had a single bowl over the last several months. These kids clean me out before I can get to it!!! I'll go the Prince route and call it The Cereal Formerly Known as Mom Cereal.

  1. Aww Izzy girl. You make me smile, dear heart. I'm totally making a note to start doing this every year with Quinn. Last year we did a short interview for the grandparents & she told us she wanted to be a unicorn when she grows up. #careergoals

    PS. Quinn & Izzy need to chat….Q's favorite song of the moment is Taylor Swift's Blank Space lol!!!

    1. I remember Izzy telling her preschool teacher one year she wanted to be a beaver. Yes, a beaver. Not even in the same realm of coolness as a unicorn 😀

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