Izzy’s babymoon
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With a new baby on the way, my husband and I had been talking about taking Izzy on a babymoon. One last hurrah as the only child. Disney World was tossed around, but by the time we got around to deciding a destination, I wasn’t up for squishing myself into a plane and then walking all around the park in insane temperatures. So, we opted for a road trip down to Dallas. Ok, so maybe it was IKEA that lured me in, but it was still going to be all about Izzy 😉
Day one we hit up The Dallas World Aquarium. What a cool place peeps! They had the most incredible rainforest exhibit for their birds. And let me tell you, it smelled AMAZING in there. No, not being sarcastic. They had incense burning throughout, and if I closed my eyes it smelled and sounded like I was at the spa. Not something you can say about most zoos, am I right???
The aquarium portion was also killer. Kind of appropriate that Izzy chose to bring her stuffed lobster with her on the visit. She ended up using it to taunt the monster crabs they had. The biggest hit for her was the manatee who was very friendly and all about getting up close for some photos. Of course I didn’t get a good picture of the manatee, all you get here is the picture of me swimming in the tank. Hardy har har 😀
Day two we hit up the Fort Worth Stockyards. Izzy was PUMPED about seeing the cattle drive. She had been talking about seeing the “cows with the twisty, twirly horns” for days. So in our normal style, we got lost and Izzy was crying thinking she was going to miss it. We pulled onto the main road, traffic was a mess, and I literally jumped out of the car with Izzy in tow and HAULED it to the site of the drive (of course, forgetting my good camera). Thankfully they were running a little late and Mike was able to park and meet up with us in time.
End the end we had one happy girl. Even happier when she found out she could actually get on a longhorn! In her own words, “SCORE!!!”
1,400 pound animal with my 31 pound baby on its back. If the 100 degree weather wasn’t making me sweat, that sure was!
On our way home we found a Mellow Mushroom. Have you guys had their pizza before? HEAVEN. We had one when we lived near Columbia, SC. My mouth is watering thinking about their pretzels right now… Izzy approved and didn’t want to leave without hugging the Mushroom Buddha 😀
And, the trip wouldn’t have been complete with a trip to IKEA. Um, SCORE!!! I finally was able to get a hold of some Expedit storage shelves I’ve been lusting after for years. I’ll show you guys what I did with the big one I put up in my sewing room later. You know, once the dust settles from the wild hair that caused me to do an organizing overhaul in there. The nesting thing is no joke.
All in all it was a fun trip. So glad we did it.
What do you guys think of taking kids for a babymoon? Have you done it, where did you go?
NewestThat is such a sweet idea….I love that you had a trip intentionally for Izzy before the new babe hits the scene and rocks her world! She is going to be such a cute big sister. Sounds like a great trip!
Love idea! Izzy looks like she had such a great time.
Mrs. Delightful
YOU ARE ADORABLE!!! What an awesome thing to do for sweet Izzie! I love this idea. I think we took Wells to the park across the street because that's as far as I could waddle, does that count? 🙂
A babymoon is such a sweet idea. I'm wishing we would have done that but I only have three weeks to go and a million things to do:(
What a fun babymoon! It looks like Izzy had a blast. 🙂
Seriously, you're the cutest thing ever! And I'm going to need to borrow that dress one day (or at least know where you got it.) And I freaking LOVE mellow mushroom. I feel bad for people that don't have it…it's that good. The kid-moon is a great idea. Makes them feel special too! (p.s. your post up now!)
I'm glad you liked the Dallas Aquarium, we weren't impressed, but maybe it was because it was Spring Break and there were 1000 people there! We missed the cattle drive, but my girls got to ride on ponies in a circle…woohoo!! Really cool area though!! I didn't go to Ikea…next time we go visit my brother we'll have to go and take a u-haul…haha!!
What a cute idea!! Definitely nice to give her a special trip before your second arrives (congrats by the way!!)
That sounds like such a fun idea! And will make for a great memory for little Izzy!
You are just too beautiful, Shelley! What a great mommy you are! Your post has made me decide not to take our Ikea for granted! 🙂
Shelley you are the best momma. Izzy is one lucky girl. I'm googling the shelves now. Loves you!
Oh, how fun!!! I quit work a few months early when I was pregnant with The Girl. I wanted to have that special time with The Kid before number two was hogging all my time. Now, I hardly remember it, but when I look back at pictures, I'm so glad I had that time with my "only child".
Then when The Kid started kindergarten last year, The Girl got that whole school year of being an only child with mama. Which was really nice for us.
Now, Baby will get that alone time when The Girl starts school next year. I think it definitely changes your relationship with them when you get constant one-on-one time that never happens otherwise. It's a good thing.
Glad you guys had the opportunity to go on one last hurrah as a family of three. It will all be a blur in a couple years, so the pictures will be a happy reminder of that time together.
I love the idea of a babymoon! Such a good plan so they know that their still your baby, too (c: Honestly, my first was only 21 months when baby girl was born, so he didn't even know the difference! ha! Such a cute little trip and by the looks of it, Izzy was one happy gal (c: