Our New Kitchen Island Pendants

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Who else is still trying to wrap their head around it being June? I just don’t understand how we’re already here! Earlier in May I finally was able to put up our new kitchen island pendants, and you guys, they are everything I was hoping they would be. Remember this all started when we added the built in cabinets to our kitchen nook. If you missed that reveal, but sure to check it out here. New lighting in the nook bled over to swapping out our island pendants.

Previous Kitchen Island Pendants

I still love these Restoration Hardware Clemson pendants. I picked them up from the RH Outlet store when we were building this house and was giddy when they went up. They’re just classic. But, I wanted to go a different direction with lighting in the nook and couldn’t make these tie in. I also had fallen in love with different pendants a few years ago, and couldn’t get the other ones out of my head.

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black and white kitchen

New Kitchen Island Pendants

And here they are! I went with these in the old bronze finish. They are HUGE and beautiful and totally give the kitchen a new feel.

Hudson valley Eldridge pendants
modern kitchen island pendants

These are so much larger in person than they appear in photos. The size is great in the kitchen though, especially since the living room right next to it has such high ceilings. Do you see how the black cuff at the top of the pendants tie in with the black pieces that hold the glass cylinders in the nook’s chandelier?

vintage runner in kitchen
black kitchen island
new kitchen island pendants
vintage rug kitchen

It took what felt like forever to get these pendants in due to problems with damages during shipping, but the wait was absolutely worth it in the end. My husband suggested I find different pendants when they kept coming in broken. I tried explaining how the pendants were my starting point for all of the kitchen lighting and the reason I went with the chandelier in the nook. When I had to rework the chandelier to hang lower he suggested I find a different chandelier. Can’t do that either because it tied in with the pendants I had my heart set on. It really was just a humorous mess! But it all worked out.

kitchen lighting ideas

Ok, so what are your thoughts on our new kitchen island pendants? It always amazes me how just swapping out a light fixture can completely change the feel of a space.


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  1. Pamela Avatar

    I’m in love with these as well. After seeing them in photos and in person they are big, but your ceilings and openness really demand this size. At the same time, though, they have an airy sense from the white shade and thin metalwork. I wouldn’t have been as patient as you were but you were right to keep the faith. Too bad the shipping companies where not better at their jobs. The whole renovation is awesome. I want high ceilings.😄

    1. Shelley Avatar

      They totally feel much bigger in person than in photos! I’m just so stinking happy with them.

  2. Cassie Bustamante Avatar

    OOOOH those are some sexy pendants! LOVE them!

    1. Shelley Avatar

      I still oogle them when I walk past!

Meet Shelley

Hi, I’m Shelley! My belief is that with a little creativity and elbow grease, you can make your home look like a million bucks without spending it.

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