our third house – 2009

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If your just jumping in here, I’m sharing tours of our homes over the past 10 plus years.  You can visit our first home here and our second home here.  But prepare yourself, it ‘aint pretty.  That’s the point.  Sometimes it takes a lot of time to find your style.

Our 3rd House – Wichita, KS 2009

You guys, I’m physically ill over not finding a full photo of the exterior.  I have so many happy memories here and I can’t believe I don’t have a photo of the house.  Ugh, I just want to cry.  Technically, this was our 4th house.  When we first moved back to Wichita we rented for about six months so we could have time to find the right house.  I can’t find pictures (you picking up on a theme here?), but trust me, you aren’t missing anything.  We weren’t allowed to change a single thing, not even curtains, but it really didn’t matter because I knew it was going to be short lived.  I will say though, that really effected my mood while living there.  I was in the last trimester of my pregnancy with Izzy, we were living out of boxes, and I felt like squatters in someone else’s house.  I couldn’t wait to be out of that place and was thrilled when we found our home.

When we bought this house it was oak central.  I definitely earned my painting badge in here.  I painted my way through the house and switched out doors and baseboards.  It was at this house that I started my blog and really started becoming interested in DIY and home decor.  I was starting to find my style.


This kitchen photo is from the MLS listing before we moved in.  OAK.  Oak everywhere.  The only change we made was paint, and adding hidden hinges and new hardware.  It was such a huge transformation for only a couple hundred dollars.  You can find out more about the kitchen makeover here.

The dining room was bright red when we moved in.  In the second photo, I painted it a second time and installed the picture frame moulding right before we moved out.  The chandelier came with us to our current house.
Here’s how the bedroom looked soon after moving in.  It later received a small facelift before our move as well.
You guys, there are so many things I would go back and change now!!!  It’s kind of like looking back at wedding photos and imaging what it would look like if you had a chance for a do over 🙂 Overall I learned a lot in this house and left feeling much more confident about what I liked and didn’t like.  While a lot of things changed, none of the furniture did.  I was learning that even if I didn’t LOVE our furniture, I could find different ways to work around it to make me feel really good about the space. 
You can find more photos of this home under the Home Tour tab or by clicking here
Are you guys growing sick of this yet?  I hope not because I have one more house to share with you!  It’s the one we rented when we first moved down here to Texas. 



  1. Jill Hayes Avatar

    Small world. I'm from Wichita. . . and could not wait to get out of there! Haven't lived there since 1998. Where about did you live in Wichita- East/West side?

    1. CrazyWonderful Avatar

      No kidding!!! I'm from Wichita. We lived out East when we moved back, but I grew up out West and went to school at Goddard. You?

  2. Lisa @ Shine Your Light Avatar

    I am loving this series and seeing how your style evolved through the years. One of the silver linings of moving….you get to start over and do away with things that are no longer striking your fancy. It's inspiring how you made your furniture work throughout all the houses, and the power of paint, it's crazy isn't it???

    1. CrazyWonderful Avatar

      The power of paint is amazing! I stopped watching HGTV's House Hunters years ago because I couldn't handle hearing, "Oh wow, just too much painting to do. I just can't see us living here." It's paint people!!! Come on!!!!

Meet Shelley

Hi, I’m Shelley! My belief is that with a little creativity and elbow grease, you can make your home look like a million bucks without spending it.

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