Papa’s Farm

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Last weekend we took a little day trip out to Papa Westerman’s farm.  Most of his momma cows have had their babies so we wanted to get out and see them before the babies got too big, and also to see Izzy’s horse Peanut.  I had grand plans to get a bunch of great pictures.  I dressed Izzy up in her cow+girl shirt and planned on getting some super cute pictures of her with her horse, some pictures of the baby cows with their mommies, and maybe even some of me riding Peanut. 

Ummm, yeah… didn’t happen.
It was SOOOOOO cold out that day.  We’re talking I’m probably a bad Mommy for having my child outside without full snow gear on kind of cold.  That being said, we didn’t hang out outside very long.  While we were outside the mommies and their babies weren’t interested in saying hi, and Peanut (who I thought was my buddy) had no interest in coming around for pictures.  By the time he did show up, I had already packed Izzy and the camera up.  Humph.
Izzy did make buddies with Papa’s dog Red that day.  That was even after he charged into her to give her a welcome “hug”.  The rest of the time we were there Izzy kept yelling, “Whoa, Red!”, trying to imitate her Papa.

Next time we go out to the farm I’m coming back with better pictures 🙂 
I guar-ron-tee it!    


  1. PeaceLoveApplesauce Avatar

    Adorable pictures!!

  2. Diana Mieczan Avatar

    Aww your little one is so adorable:) What a sweet little girl and the photos are beautiful:) Happy Friday, my dear

Meet Shelley

Hi, I’m Shelley! My belief is that with a little creativity and elbow grease, you can make your home look like a million bucks without spending it.

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