perfect christmas – primitive and proper
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Can you guys believe that the Christmas season is already here? I feel like this year raced right by me! But that’s ok, because this time of year is my most favorite! So of course when Shelley asked me to write about my most favorite time of year, I mentally ran into the Candy Cane Forest, and started dreaming!
Where would I spend my perfect Christmas? Frankly, my perfect Christmas would be right here at my home. My kids, Sawyer and Emerson, are 7 and 5, and at such a fun age! There is no greater joy than seeing them run to the Christmas tree at home on Christmas morning, and then spending the morning in our PJ’s around the fire while they play with their new toys, or read new books.
BUT, this is a fantasy, right? One place I would love to go to see Christmas….Sweden.
Doesn’t that look so dreamy? I am Lutheran, my grandmother was Swedish, and I have always felt connected to that part of myself. It would be amazing to see it in person, especially at this time of year. But of course my family would be with me, because no matter where I was it wouldn’t be Christmas without them.
How would it be decorated? I definitely prefer the more natural, handmade, and vintage touches at Christmas. That being said, all of those elements combine in traditional Scandinavian Christmas decor. I am in love with this mantle and I apologize because I can not find the original source…
Doesn’t that image just make you smile?
What am I munching or sipping on? We always sit around the tree on Christmas Eve before the kids go to bed, and we munch on my mom’s cookies. Each year, she makes a huge platter with almost 20 varieties. They are all delicious, but I would me munching on the chocolate revel bars or the raspberry coconut bars. And I am most definitely sipping my Irish coffee with whipped cream, and hoping I don’t drink too much and forget any of my Santa duties!
What gift would I like to see under the tree? I always have a hard time coming up with gift ideas for myself. There are so many things I could ask for, but nothing I really truly need. I always treasure the handmade gifts the most- the things people took time and care in creating just for me. I love finding those gifts under the tree.
Last year my mom made me these fingerless gloves, and they are AWESOME. I wear them all the time! They were definitely a favorite!
And my bestie Ali made me this awesome pom pom ornament in my favorite colors with a special flag that represented when we would get to see each other again. (PS she sells these cuties in her shop, too!)
I definitely prefer gifts of the heart versus gifts of the wallet.
What is my favorite Christmas Tradition? A few years ago we started giving out kids matching pj’s as their Christmas Eve gift. That way in the morning they match when they open presents. It’s a tradition lots of people do, I know, but we still love it…..
It’s so fun to go back and look at these photos of Christmas PJ’s past.
Shelley, I wish you all the best with your new baby boy This will be one special Christmas for you and your family. Thank you so much for letting my crash your blog today!
NewestI love the matching PJ tradition – we do that too and it's fun!
Hope your new little one and you are well, Shelley. Can't wait to see him!
Cassie, those pj photos are adorable and the pom-pom ornament is awesome!
Oh my gosh – the picture from 2011 is priceless!!!
I think there needs to be a new kids book called "The Jammies of Christmas Past". I've got some doozies myself!
Aww, Cassies Swedish family Christmas sounds dreamy to me 🙂 Happy holidays!
thank you so much for having me here, shelley! thanks for letting me dream. 🙂
hope you are enjoying lots of snuggles and cuddles, and no spit up.
Such cute photos of the kids and a fun tradition. My Grandmother was Swedish as well and I'm hoping to one day take a trip to Sweden. I love that mantle!
I wish I had a mantle! There are so many great mantle-scapes out there like this one…it's the best part of decorating for Christmas!