play day

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I took Izzy to the botanical garden in town the other day.  She’s been asking to go for a while now.  It’s been a year since we last hit them up… whoops!
Botanica really upped their game when they opened the children’s garden.  They now have lots of fun stuff especially made for kids.
I’m THE WORST at getting photos off my phone, so this last group is from last year 😉
I’m finding I like spring and summer much more now that I have a child.  I can really appreciate getting outside and letting her just run off some energy.  Hopefully it won’t be another year before I get her back out there! 


  1. sip-n-wear Avatar

    aw so sweet… she looks like she's having fun~

  2. Kathryn Avatar

    Are you guys members? We're not, but their children's gardens sure tempt me to buy a membership! We should go together sometime!

  3. Like Me Some Avatar

    That looks like a happy day!

  4. Robin Avatar

    Oh how happy she looks! Looks like the two of you had a wonderful day.

  5. Sam [The Peak of Tres Chic] Avatar

    Awwww I love all these pictures! Izzy is adorable. I can't wait for the day when I have a little one to take fun places.

  6. Amy Avatar

    Next time we come in town…we are going. It looks magical! I miss sweet izzy. I need to hugggg her!

Meet Shelley

Hi, I’m Shelley! My belief is that with a little creativity and elbow grease, you can make your home look like a million bucks without spending it.

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