sam’s room | slow goings

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Sometimes I get overwhelmed looking at all of the fabulous room reveals on blogs and think to myself, “why can’t I get my room’s pulled together like that?!”  But the truth is, nothing is easily pulled together.  For us regular folks that don’t have designers working on our homes, it takes time.  One piece at a time, bit by bit.  And if you’re like me, there will be snag after snag along the way.

For example, Sam’s room.

My little guy isn’t yet three years old has had lived in three different houses.  He was maybe 4 months old when we moved out of his first house.  The only one that had a somewhat thought out room/nursery.  We were then in a rental for 9 months before moving into our current home.  Once we moved in here I knew it wouldn’t be too long before he transitioned from his crib to a real bed.  So creating a new nursery in this house that would only be functional for a few months didn’t make sense.

This summer he ditched the crib and we gave him a big boy bed.  I have a Jenny Lind bed in the garage that I’ve been working on but haven’t finished.  His bed has moved from wall to wall while I try to decide flow.  I think it’s in it’s final resting place now.  


The nightstands are a nightmare.  This is what happens when IKEA hacks go wrong.  I stained them at different times.  One on a normal day and another on a bake-the-flesh-off-your-body-hot day.  The one on the right side soaked up the stain so fast that day I couldn’t wipe it up fast enough.  I’m hoping I can sand it down to resemble the other one so I can move forward.  Still have some ideas up my sleeve for those puppies!
The painters tape.  I have plans for a DIY large scale piece of art for above the bed.  It’s a good thing I taped it out because the size in my head was WAY to small once I got it measured out.  The tape really helps visualize things.
Right now the one thing that has gone right for me in here are the sconces I recently found.  LOVE them!!!  I had wanted sconces for beside his bed, but of course, all the ones I fell for were $200 a piece on up.  Whyyyyyy are light so expensive?!  These bad boys were a find straight from Heaven (aka World Market) at $39.99 a piece!
The other side of his room is just a hot mess.  Art is still hanging in the same spot from when his changing table sat below.  And the hanging chair which was once hanging on the opposite side of the room (from before I moved the bed around) is now waiting until I get around to drilling into a support beam in the ceiling.  Which means it could be sitting in this spot for days/weeks/months.  Which also means I now have an insanely huge hole in the ceiling I haven’t yet patched from where I did have it hanging for all of just a couple of weeks.
Anywho… all of this to say don’t ever feel discouraged when you see room reveals.  There are often times quite a few hiccups and set backs along way, and in the case of mine, they sit unfinished WAY longer than they should 🙂




  1. Elizabeth @ The Little Black Door Avatar

    Those lights are awesome, what a great find. I think you are doing a great job mamma. 🙂

  2. Cassie @ Primitive & Proper Avatar

    well everything you have done so far is fab and i see your vision!

  3. Amy Avatar

    I need those lights. I have a couple sets of beautiful vintage lights…but I'll have to hire an electrician to install them, soooo they'll be in my basement forever. I love that chair.

Meet Shelley

Hi, I’m Shelley! My belief is that with a little creativity and elbow grease, you can make your home look like a million bucks without spending it.

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