sam’s train birthday party
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This last weekend we threw a little party at home with friends to celebrate Samuel turning two. His actual birthday isn’t until Friday, but with Thanksgiving coming and people traveling, we decided to throw his party a little early.
Like every little boy his age, he is completely fascinated with trains. There are several railroad crossings near us and as we drive through you can hear Sam in the backseat going, “choo-choo! choo-chooooo!!!” It is ADORABLE. So for his party, it had to be train themed.
Railroad tracks made out of black duct tape led guests to the front door. The railroad crossing sign was made out of black and white foam board, and red glitter scrapbook paper for the lights. It was then duct taped to a piece of electrical conduit left over from another project.
We had a super simple set up with food for the kids. The “table” is actually a piece of scrap plywood sitting on top of buckets. I draped my go to black and white striped fabric (I also used it for Izzy’s 5th and Sam’s 1st birthday parties) over top and no one knew what was hiding below. I then topped it with a piece of kraft wrapping paper where I drew a train track and labeled the food items.
Those red balloons? I wanted to do those mega round latex ones, but they were out (story of my life when it comes to those big balloons). But, Party City had these smaller perfectly round foil balloons called Orbz that ended up working even better. They are significantly cheaper, and since they’re made out of that foil material the helium lasts so much longer and you don’t have to worry about them sinking part way through the party.
I used a train shaped cookie cutter for the PB&J. After the party we took the leftover parts of the cutout sandwiches with the dreaded crust (good grief, why do they hate the crusts so much?!) over to feed the ducks.
The biggest hit was the coal! Rice crispy treats with Oreos and black food coloring. You can find the recipe here. WARNING: Wait to eat these teeth and mouth blackening bombs until after you take photos 😀
The train cake topper is a paper print out I cut out with an Xacto knife and taped to toothpicks to stick into the cake. The 2 was cut out from the red glitter paper I used for his railroad crossing sign, and again taped to a toothpick so I could stick it into the side of the cake. Easy peasy.
The train track on the table was black washi tape. It was a last minute thing that turned out completely cute, annnnd….. then bit me in the butt. I thought I was golden using washi tape on the table because I’ve never had it do any damage before. Well, when I pulled it off it took some of the polycrylic I used to seal my table with with it. Doh! I’ll now have to refinish the top of my table. Ugh. Before you try this, test it out on an inconspicuous spot first.
The train and little trees were found at Hobby Lobby, as were the red bandanas and striped straws. The place tags are just card stock cut with pinking shears and a large round hole punch to resemble train tickets.
Judging from this picture, which is the ONLY one I got of him that day that isn’t a blurry mess, you would have thought he had a horrible time. But, I assure you he had a blast 🙂
All of his little expressions here just kill me!
Happy Birthday Sam Jam!!! May this next year be filled with more stink facin’, walking with your eyes closed just for the fun of it, bouncing around your crib like it’s a wrestling ring, sticking your feet in my face for smooches, and tossing out drive by snuggles. You are a RIOT, my boy. I love you like crazy.
SOURCES: black + white striped fabric // red balloons // black + white straws // bandanas // conductor’s hats // metal train // trees (similar) // train cookie cutter
Newestbest entry to a party ever! LOVE it all!!!!
One of the cutest parties I have seen! My boys have always loved trains and I wish I thought of some of these things when they were little. That train crossing by the door is perfect! Looks like Sam had a great time!
What happened to your baby? He looks like such a big boy. I cannot believe this party. It is off the charts. Beyond cute.
Shelley, I need to hire you for so many things. Plan my kids' b-day parties, make me a table, sew me some pillows……. You are a woman of many talents. This is adorable. Happy birthday to Sam!
Everything about this is so stinkin' cute I can hardly stand it. AMAZING. It almost makes me wish we had a fourth little one to do it for. Almost.