Teen’s Closet Makeover

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Earlier this month I shared the plan’s for Izzy’s closet makeover in this post. She had been asking for a more functional closet for a few years now. Now that she’s 14 it was definitely time to address it. Closets can be so tricky, and best use of the space always depends on the individual. We’ve come up with a perfect solution using Easy Closets and I’m excited to share our teen’s closet makeover with you. I’m going to include photos from my camera as well as some wide-angle photos from my phone. It’s a very tight space to shoot so the wide-angle photos, while distorted, will give you a better idea of how the space is laid out.

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Her existing closet only had hanging space making it difficult to have all of her clothing items located in the closet. The hanging space to the left of the door wasn’t useful because you walked right into it as you entered the closet.

teen closet makeover


Would you just look at all of this useful storage! We maximized every square inch of this space while still allowing for as much open floor space as possible. She now has a place for everything.

small walk in closet makeover

I have something to admit first. For a split second I thought I should remove some of her shirts for a more open feel and only add in the muted colors so it was more appealing to look at for a photo. But that’s just not my style! I want you to see what her real closet looks like. Even if it is packed and colorful. Real life isn’t styled or editorial.

kid's closet makeover

Vanity and Jewelry Space

Not sure if you would technically call this a vanity, but I wanted to give her an open space where she could see herself while putting on jewelry. This shelf space was made larger to allow for a small mirror and tray for her perfume.

The drawer below is a girl’s dream with an organized jewelry tray. I chose to have the drawers on a soft-close slide. Such a nice feature.

closet vanity
jewelry drawer

Built-in Laundry Hamper

When first designing her closet I planned to have more drawers below the top two. But I would have then had to find a place for her laundry hamper. We ended up swapping out the extra drawers for this built-in hamper and couldn’t be happier with the decision. The bag inside has handles so it can easily be pulled out and taken to the laundry room. Brilliant.

Valet Rod

Don’t forget a valet rod. It’s a simple addition and makes so much sense. Izzy is really good about planning her outfit the night before school. Having a valet rod gives her a place to set it out so she’s ready to go in the morning.

closet valet rod


Adjustable shelves are the MVP of any closet makeover. I added several narrow shelves for shoe storage, leggings, jeans, and shorts. They can be adjusted depending on the height of shoes so nothing is ever bunched up or crammed into place.

The remaining shelves all have soft fabric bins. She uses these for swimsuits, dance attire, purses, etc. While natural baskets are pretty to look at, consider a fabric bin so you don’t have to deal with snagging.

teenage closet organization

Closet Design Details + Coupon Code

After researching several closet companies I went with Easy Closets for this project. What I love about Easy Closets is that you can create a fully custom closet on their website based off of your closet measurements for a fraction of what other companies charge. I entered the dimensions of her closet and dragged and dropped product in to serve her needs. It was so fun design! The product shipped quickly and without any damage. It was impressive. I was also able to easily and quickly install this closet completely on my own, eliminating the need to pay for installation.

Easy Closets also has a number of different colors, drawer styles, and hardware to choose from. I go into more detail on Izzy’s closet plans in this post. Here are the design details if you’re wanting a similar look:

  • Style – Wall Mount (no need to remove baseboards)
  • Color – White
  • Door Style – Eased Edge
  • Hardware – Modern Rectangle in Matte Black

Easy Closets Coupon Code

Use code CLOSETS165 to get 5% off your order + FREE shipping at Easy Closets

Closet Design Tips

It’s easy to see fall in love with a closet on Pinterest and want to mimic exactly what you see. But remember you’re looking at a closet that was created for someone else’s needs. While beautiful, it might not function the way you need it to function. You can still create a beautiful closet, but make it work for you. Think about these things before you start designing:

  • What types of clothing do you wear? If you have several dresses, be sure to give yourself room for longer hanging items. How many shirts do you have that need to be hung verses how many can be folded and placed in a drawer? Do you want jeans folded on a shelf or hanging from a hanger?
  • How much drawer space do you need? Think about all of the items you would like to have in your closet that work best in a drawer. Pajamas, socks, undergarments, etc.
  • How much shelf space do you need? Sweaters are an item that works best stored on a shelf rather than hanging from a hanger. Are there other items you would like to keep on a shelf in a bin like swimsuits, seasonal accessories, hats, etc?
  • What type of shoes do you wear and how many do you have? If you have shoes with various heights (boots, heels, flats, sneakers) you’ll want to make sure you have adjustable shelves to accommodate the different styles you wear.
  • What closet accessories would make your life easier? Is is a jewelry tray, valet rod, belt organizer, pant organizer, and/or built in hamper? Work those items into your design.
  • Finally, your design may look great online, but can you reach that top hanging rod? Before submitting your design order go into your closet and measure to see where the rods are placed in your design. Make sure that beautiful closet you’re designing works for you!


Demo was incredibly fast and easy since I was just removing rods and shelves. At this point it’s always a good idea to patch and repaint. Give yourself a nice, clean slate.

Closet Install

The installation of this closet system was an absolute breeze. I installed this myself in one day. This is nothing like building IKEA furniture or anything else with vague guides. Easy Closets sends you a custom design guide for your exact project. I geeked out over that part. There’s no question as to what piece goes where or what peg number a shelf should go on because each piece is labeled and already mapped out for you. So easy! You do not have to be a DIY person to do this.

easy closets install guide
easy closets installation

Izzy is beyond thrilled with her close which makes me so happy. Now I’m going to start planning Sam’s closet. He has a similar layout but with several electrical type boxes I will have to design around making it a little more complicated. But I’m excited to tackle it!

What’s your favorite feature of this teen’s closet makeover?

teen's closet makeover



  1. Pamela Avatar

    Well I’m beyond excited for the drawers. Jewelry is a big win, and a underwear drawer in the closet is a time saver. Shelves for jeans and leggings are awesome to see a a glance. This works so much better.

    1. Shelley Avatar

      Drawers truly make such a difference in a closet! She really loves having all of her clothing in one location now. If only that made her get ready faster in the mornings!

Meet Shelley

Hi, I’m Shelley! My belief is that with a little creativity and elbow grease, you can make your home look like a million bucks without spending it.

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