welcome to tx!
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Well guys, most of the unpacking is finally done and we’re starting to settle into our place in TX!
That is until our lease is over in about 6 months and we buy a permanent place. I cannot tell you how excited I am to pack and unpack again in 6 months. Yep. Real excited.
Izzy is embracing her inner cowgirl…
and is all about taking in the Dunkin Donuts nearby.
I now have a doorman who regularly greets us. I’ll be cool with it until he makes a run for the inside of the house. Then, all bets are off.
One thing I’ve not at all gotten used to are the highways here.
Lord help me.
I’m serious when I say this is my nightmare. I have recurring nightmares of getting stuck on really high, really narrow ramps, at high speeds and then falling off the edge. Wonder what a dream expert would have to say about that :/ Anywho, I’m skeerd.
I’ll be back soon with some pics of the place we’re renting. Until then I’m off to enjoy the TX weather at the park with the fam before it gets too hot for me to leave the house. Which will probably be in like two weeks 😉
Newestizzy is just too cute!!!!! and a girl after my own heart- love me some dunkin! best coffee in the world!
Aww, I'm from the DFW area and there are plenty of ways to avoid the highways! Don't be skurrrred, you'll find lots of alternate routes when you get used to the area 🙂
I have that very same dream/nightmare. That would drive me bonkers. I bet your find other ways to get around once you learn the area. Glad you all are getting settled in! 🙂
My husband always tell me that Hillcrest is a great alternative to Preston. The highways are a little intimidating but it gets better, I moved here about 3 years ago so I've learned them (and the alternate routes).
Aw, nuts! You really moved, didn't you? It breaks my heart to see sweet Izzy and know she is so far away and to read your adorable posts and not be able tave a last-minute play date. I hope you're doing we'll, friend. I miss you!
YAY! Welcome!! I must say your house already looks way more put together than mine, which I moved into in November. I need to get it together! hah Oh, and that's really funny about the highways and ramps because my sister has always been afraid of those since we were little too!! When she comes to visit, she still gets nervous.
Welcome to Texas! We're glad to have you here, hopefully you're being welcomed by lots of nice folks in your area too …
Your house looks fantastic!
I just moved from Katy to a small Midwestern town in September, and I never thought I would be nostalgic for a photo of the beltway split, but oh, how I am. Talk about a culture shock. (That being said, I still clenched my fingers and toes involuntarily every time I crossed one of the high overpasses in TX. I just repeated to myself 'be thankful it doesn't get icy here!' I do not miss the traffic one bit.)
Enjoy Houston. I was skeptical at first, after living in California and Arizona for 26 years, but after five years there, it DEFINITELY grew on me. Your skin will never be dry and you will NEVER go hungry. If you guys like BBQ, try Spring Creek (in a couple locations) or Rudy's off I-10 and Mason. Kelsey-Seybold Clinics have amazing pediatricians and make sure to visit Archiver's if you're interested in scrapbooking your munchkins!
Good luck settling in!!
Your daughter is a-dorable. Moving is awful, but it will be exciting to find a permanent home that you can do anything you want to.
So glad you are getting settled in. Those highways would freak me out too! Looking forward to following along on this new adventure with you.
Ahh…yes…the glorious (I believe Houston?) highways. Scared me to pieces too when I lived there. We would only get on it to head to the galleria, and the ONLY time I ever drove thru it was when we left to move to Dallas. Have you noticed how one minute you need to be on the left, only to have two seconds to move to the right to get off your exit??? Yup, don't miss that, although I do miss the food…and how very nice people were (unless of course, they were driving in the highway, road rage anyone?)
Hold the phone…what part of texas did you move to?!?!!?
Wow wonderful photos here. those are looking very nice.
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