the diaper incident

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Let me paint the scene for you.
I walked into my living room where my dog was sitting by the back windows looking all pathetic and lonely.  “Ruff… did you not get enough attention today?”  I walk over, scratch behind his ears, give him a big hug, and a couple smooches on the cheek.  Then, I look out the back window and see this.

Yep.  Those are my daughter’s poopy diapers shredded all over my backyard.  Shredded by my dog who I am picturing shaking the poopy diapers back and forth in his mouth, slapping the sides of his face.  The same face that I just kissed.  Yep.  There are no words to describe how I felt at that moment.
After cleaning up my daughter’s poo with my dog’s Pooper Scooper I promptly took a shower and had some Thin Mints.  Because after the horror that just took place, I deserved it.
So, how was your day? 


  1. Jacqueline Avatar

    Oh no!!! That is awful in a way but quite funny to. Sorry you had to go through that! I hope my pup doesn't do anything like that.

  2. Allison Avatar

    Ohhhhh myyyyy! Ha! What a sneaky puppy! Cleaning up incidents like that are not fun.

  3. angelfitch Avatar

    You know, as awful as that is, I'm relieved. Yes, relieved, because now I know I'm not the only one in the world to go through this! LOL!!

  4. Jaime Gatton Avatar

    Yep. We've had that happen, too. In our livingroom. On our furniture. Bleh. Tomorrow will be better. 🙂

  5. At The Picket Fence Avatar

    Oh my! Yes that deserved lots and lots of thin mints. My sweet little house dog went outside this morning and drug back up half a dead rabbit, a very fresh half dead rabbit. Gotta love our dogs. 😉


  6. Hyphen Interiors Avatar

    Haha! I'll remember this when my day feels rough. Gross, but funny. I wanted to thank you for stopping by Emily A Clark's blog today and reading about my chair project. I appreciate your comment so much!

  7. Jennifer Avatar

    I am really enjoying your blog…came by way of DIY Showoff. Love the deco and also the funny things of life! How long did it take you to paint your stair banister??

  8. Toyin O. Avatar

    That is funny, sounds like you had an interesting day:)

  9. ⊰OCDesign⊱ Avatar

    I just stumbled upon your blog and am laughing so hard at this post!

Meet Shelley

Hi, I’m Shelley! My belief is that with a little creativity and elbow grease, you can make your home look like a million bucks without spending it.

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