After all the old wive’s tale tests have been done, and the guessing has gone back and forth, we’ve finally got an official answer!

I have no clue what to expect, but I’m super excited for a new and completely different adventure!

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  1. Congratulations Shelley! That's wonderful!

  2. Yaaaay! So excited for you, Shelley!!! Boys are so awesome…they really are. And they really do love their mommies soooo much. My daughter is amazing, and I love love love her with all that I am…but my boys are just so spectacular…

    So happy for you!!!!

  3. Yay!!!! Congrats. So excited for you guys. Having two boys, I can assure you, it is adventure!

  4. YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! You are going to LOVE having one of each. And this coming from a girl who was devastated to find out I'd be a boy momma. I had no clue what to do. But it's different in a good way. And I like that we all have our little spot in the family! And I swear having a girl first is so much easier. Watching Izzie fall in love and baby that sweet baby boy is going to melt your heart. Girls are born more sensitive so she'll be so sweet to him with your direction. And baby boys LOVE their mamas and their big sisters, equally. Tagg is so beyond in love with Wells. It melts my heart hourly. I am seriously so excited for you.

  5. Congratulations! Little boys are sooooo cute.

  6. SO exciting!!! Boys are COMPLETELY different! And oh, so sweet. Congratulations, I'm so excited for you!

  7. Congratulations on a little boy! I can't tell you enough on how much you are going to love it. I had a girl first too (she is two) and now have a 3 month old boy. I had no clue what to expect with a boy but from the moment I saw him I fell hard! He has been my precious little boy since and can't get enough of his snuggles! He is laying on my lap on top the Boppy as we speak.

    So thrilled for you! Enjoy!!

  8. I am over the moon. I cannot be more happy that he (and you) are not only adding to your broad…but now you get to experience the joys of a little boy, and the awesome dynamic of brothers and sisters. Mike is no longer alone in a house full of girls! I hope I can see his face the first time Izzy paints her little brothers nails. It will be magical!

  9. How awesome! I have it in the back of my head that when we have a second it's going to be a girl, so it would be so wild and wonderful to have a boy. Let the nursery planning begin (if it hasn't already!)

  10. Yay! Oh my gosh how incredibly exciting! We have a girl too and I do hope our next will be a boy, even though it will be so new and different!

  11. Congratulations on the little one!! That's so exciting to have a boy and girl!


  12. AHHH! Congrats! I'm just catching up on my blogs, but I'm so happy for ya! One of each!

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